create content that allures.

Content Siren offer social media content creation training for aesthetic practices. Learn how to capture & create digital media that best showcases your practice’s treatments, results and personality.

“The true goal of content creation isn’t just to get viewers to ‘see’ your work. It’s about crafting content that your viewers experience, resonate with, and envision themselves as part of.”

Training Over Outsourcing: Unlike traditional agencies, we don’t just create content for you— we provide online & in-person training on how to create your own captivating videos.


  • Content Creation 101 for Aesthetic Practices teaches providers and their social media staff the fundamentals of creating social media content for the aesthetic industry. ($999 early-bird special available now)

  • Already have a social media presence, but your videos aren't getting attention? Maybe you have a small following and want help taking your content to the next level. Consult with us to and let's brainstorm ways to update your social media strategy. (We recommend taking the online course before requesting a virtual consultation).

  • COMING SOON: Our premiere service, this immersive experience is designed to empower aesthetic providers with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in the world of content creation. Our expert trainer arrives at your practice's doorstep, ready to dive into the art of creating captivating treatment videos with you and your team.

This beginner-level course teaches providers (and their social media team) the fundamentals of creating organic social media content that builds trust, generates new leads and increases brand awareness.